Sleep apnea: Risks and treatment options

Sleep disorders are fairly common, with around 50 to 70 million Americans being affected by some type chronic sleep disorder, and some of these progressing to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), which can cause loss of sleep among many other health problems. What ages get sleep apnea? Those under age four (large tonsils) and those between the ages of 55 to 59. Snoring is one of the most easily identified symptoms, and as it worsens it can lead to full airway blockage while you sleep, which can severely disrupt your sleep patterns.

Sleep apnea is considered a serious medical problem that if left untreated can lead to high blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart failure and stroke. It can also take a toll on your overall energy level, as sleep apnea causes an ongoing state of fatigue.

There are several signs of sleep apnea, including:

  • -Insomnia or difficulty sleeping
  • -Loud snoring at night
  • -Waking up at night short of breath
  • -Snorting or choking sounds during the night (indicating a restart of breathing)
  • -Headaches upon waking in the morning
  • -Falling asleep unintentionally during the day
  • -Extreme drowsiness throughout the day

If you suspect that you may suffer from a sleep disorder or sleep apnea, give us a call. Depending on your situation, treatment may involve an oral device that we can custom-create for you.